ジュジュベ ハワイ クリニック
It is natural to be healthy...Illness is NOT NATURAL !
ジュジュべは 腸内フローラデトックスと
Jujube's job is to help you to eliminate the cause of your ailment
and to assist you in re-claiming your health.
全ての基本はMULA BANDAH /ムーラ バンダ!
Standing Form / 立ちの型
1. Jugah KataSun Salutation / 太陽礼拝 (0:30)
2. Denden Drum Method / 振子の型 (1:30)
3. Upper Elbow Flex / 肘上抱え伸ばし (1:57)
4. Lower Elbow Flex / 肘下抱え伸ばし (2:28)
5. Reverse Propeller Form / 後ろ回旋の型
6. Reverse Praying Hands / 後ろ拝み手の型
7. Elbow Peek Form / 肘下見の型 (3:24)
8. Pericardium Breathing / 心包呼吸法
9. Ninja Peak’s Form / 修験山の型 (4:43)
10. Balance Scale / 天秤の型 (5:42)
Sitting Form / 床上の型
16. Six Sitting Form / 坐法六種 (9:26)
17. Cat Form / 猫の型 (11:16)
19. Axis Split / 正中線開脚 (13:02)
20. Axis Tilt / 斜め正中線前屈 (13:30)
21. Shoulder Stance Form / 肩立ち鋤の型
22. Bridge Form / 後屈の型 (14:35)
24. Knee Bracing / 膝抱え込み (15:34)
25. Sky-Walker / 歩空法 (15:55)
26. Spinal Release / 脊柱解放の型 (16:29)
27. Buddha Form / 仏の型 (17:11)
“Lower body form series”
11. Ancient Hifumi Form / ひふみの型 (6:23)
12. Water Bird Form / 水鳥の型 (7:23)
13. Heaven Earth Form / 天地の型 (8:05)
14. Gracious Dedication / 献身の型 (8:40)
15. Sinking Prayer Form / 沈み込み拝み手の型 (8:58)
It's all based on MULA BANDAH / MULA BANDAH!
It refers to the tightness in the perineum (the muscles used to tighten the buttocks), lower abdomen, and throat. Moolabanda is in the pelvic floor muscle group. It is the key to all poses.
Is your weight in the middle of your feet? When you stand on your toes, concentrate on your big toe! Your hips, your waist, do you have any distortions? Are you backing out in front of me? Are your shoulders elevated to the right or left? Turn the flower slightly upward. Pull the head slightly straight to the right palm, and let the tongue rest on the ceiling of the mouth.
また、ジュガはその静的な柔軟要素により、同時に筋膜、及び経絡を解放させ体の関節を左右均等に解き離します。 ジュガの真髄は主要筋肉と深層筋を、その三つの筋力を通して鍛え、同時に筋膜、経絡と関節を左右均等に解放させ氣のめぐりを修復することにあります。
私たちと地球のつながりは私たちの健康にとって大切です。なぜなら、私たちの体を作るすべての元素は食べ物を通してその全てが地球の元素でできているので、私たちは地球の一部だからです。 そして特に地球と私たちの電気的なつながりは私たちの健康を維持する基本原理です。その理由は、私たちの神経伝達、心臓の鼓動や免疫機能のホミオスタシスを保っているのも生体電気で、これは地球にある自由電子の供給を受けるからです。ミクロレベルでは私たちの体の全ての元素や化学物質も分子レベルでは生体電気で繋ぎとめられているので、体の中の化学反応も担っているのです。このことから、体にとって大切な異化作用による体内毒素や塊の溶解と排出であるデトックス作用も分子同士をつなぐ生体電気が反応し解除されることによるものです。
地球一周半分に及ぶ体内の細動脈や細静脈を含む目に見えないほどの細かい血管がこの宇宙のエネルギーと連動することも心臓の動きを助けています。このエネルギーによる、ミクロの血管の収縮と拡張運動の連動が有ってこそ、心臓がこれだけの距離に及ぶ細かい血管の中の血液を押し流すことが物理的に可能になります。 逆をいうと長距離に及ぶ細動脈と細静脈が有ってこそ血液が巡り、心臓が鼓動するのです。顕微鏡で血球を観察すると振動エネルギーでその一粒一粒が微妙に振動している状況を観察できますが、これらの地球からの生体電気や体全体と宇宙が連動するエネルギーを東洋医学では古くから氣の根源の一つと理解しています。
人間の意識は不思議なものです。医学では脳の中に意識を見出そうとしますが、大量の水分と少量のたんぱく質でできている脳のどこに意識がありこの本質は何なのかも解明されていません。物質的に確認できない意識の存在は確かに感じられるものです。落ち込んでしまったりマイナスにとらわれる事もあるように、意識は高いところと低いところを行ったり来たりします。 例えば意識レベルが低くなると体は病気になりやすくなり、一方で意識レベルを高く持っているとからだは健康になりやすくなります。
Juga Hifumi Taiso(Exercise)
is exercise/meditation method developed by Jujube clinic Hawaii to ultimately change the core structure of the body to take care of pain and diseases, and for the people to stay healthy. The Juga forms consisted of oriental medicine, martial art, and variety of natural medicine concepts of strengthening muscle and inner muscle, at the same time bilaterally releasing fascia, meridian system and joints. It is done simultaneously through putting together through meditation for the consciousness, proper breathing, and Earthing. It works to restore the connection of your body, mind, earth and universe for your total health.
2 types of Muscles and 3 types of Muscle dynamics
In the muscle groups there are Major muscles and inner muscles. And for its functions there are constrictive muscular contraction, Isometric muscular contraction, and Eccentric muscular contraction. many conventional exercise focuses on the constrictive muscular contraction of the major muscles. JUGA focus is also on the inner muscles, along with all tree muscular contraction dynamics.
Fascia, Meridian and Joint Release
JUGA has a sedative stretching effect that bilaterally release fascia, meridian and the joints. The core concept of the juga lays on training the major and inner muscle through its 3 dynamic contractions, and simultaneously release the Fascia, meridian and the Joints, restoring the Ki (Qi, Chi, Prana, Mana) flow in the body.
Forms that are suitable for every body
Juga has been practiced in effort to take care of pain and disease, by the Jujube Clinic patients in Hawaii for long time. There for it is suitable for individuals with weak constitution or disabled, can be practiced by the elderly, at the same time, it is also geared to be a very strong exercise when the intention is put in to the Forms. Hence, its popular among the regular healthy individuals and athletes. Juga has been introduced through media like Hawaii Pacific Press Newspaper and Aloha Town Net medical column, Morishita Natural Medicine medical journal, since its application is geared for everyone, Juga is on its way to spreading among the YOGA and athletic instructors as well.
Why is JUGA Essential
Our body is a temple that house our soul.in order for us to thrive daily life, we need the bone as our pillar to be bilaterally even. But rather than trying to make adjustment on the bone structure, it is essential to tone both the major and inner muscles, and evenly release the fascia and the joints. And constantly apply the exercise to release as a reminder for the body structure and the consciousness so it will not get torqued again.
Core Concept of JUGA
JUGA’s concept begins from oriental philosophy of focusing to the unseen part of in between movement of each forms. Juga puts emphasis on MIROKU (Japanese spiritual metaphor consisting of 3, 6 and 9 numerals) forms by using 3 breaths and 6 body movements, or numeral 9 consciousness represented by 3 breaths and 3 movements that are done from left to right movement applied evenly to represent HITARITE MIZUKIWAMARU (fire fulfills then water reach extreme), the Japanese ancient laws of universal dynamic. The 45 degree angles used for the feet positioning especially affects Psoas muscle deep in the stomach. Generally, It is known that the sacrum pelvic position being the base of body structure, but in martial arts, it is known that Psoas inner muscles are the major players in keeping body foundation. When the psoas are activated at the same time the fascia is released, then the body joints release and structurally starts to become even.
In oriental medicine, there is concept called a “meridian system” where the Ki or the Qi flows through to maintain the homeostasis of the body. Much like the inner flowing content or energy is called a KI in Japanese system, or QI in Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM, many other natural medicine, also has the similar notion regarding the energy flow such as MANA in Hawaiian LAU LAPAAU medicine, and PRANA in Ayurveda medicine.
Meridian systems are connective pathways in which the Ki or the energy communicates with internal organs that are also situated throughout the fascia in the entire body, that can enhance the organ’s function when its flow is restored.
Juga’s fascia release works to unblock the stagnation in the meridian restoring the energy flow, hence along with taking care of the localized pain and improving range of motion, it enhances the organ functions in the corresponding meridians as well.
As the saying “calf is a second heart”, recently, the connection of the muscle to the blood flow has started to be known. Proper exercise training that focuses on all of the major and inner muscle, and those 3 muscular functions of, constrictive, extensive and the isometric muscular contraction is extremely important for vascular health as well.
Jugas Breathing
To affect the function of Autonomic nervous system, a key function that support our life, is to control the breathing accordingly. If the breath is taken with the mouth, the sympathetic nervous system activates, nasal breathing will stimulate parasympathetic nervous functions. One reason is breathing stimulates the Epi-pharynx the part of the body that control the autonomic nervous function that is located in between the back of the throat and nasal passage. Mouth breathing sends cold air directly to the epi-pharynx stimulating sympathetic function, while nose breath sends warm air with less stimulation, so parasympathetic function is induced together with deep abdominal breathing. JUGA breathing is nasal abdominal breathing that is done at the diaphragm, which enhance the body’s healing.
JUGA’s Connection to the Earth
Our connection to earth is essential to our health. Because, the elements that make up our body are the same elements from earth that we consume through food which makes us literally part of earth. especially the electrical connection between us and the earth is fundamental to keeping our health. Reason is, it is the vital electricity that makes up the nervous system function and keeps our heart moving, the homoeostasis in general all are supplied by the earths free flowing electricity. In the molecule level, our elements and chemicals in the body are bounded by the vital electricity, which also plays a major role in chemical reaction process. For this reason, the body’s detoxification function, a very important healing function derived by the catabolic effect that breaks up and discharge toxin and mass, are result of reaction and release of the molecule bound by the vital electricity.
The earths free flowing electric that keeps us going is supplied to earth by thunder bolt from the atmosphere. Being bare feet and being earthed while practicing JUGA allows the body to electronically be one with the earth. This completes the circuit between body and earth, to release the harmful static electricity from the body into the ground, and at the same time received the free-flowing electron from the earth, replenishing bodies vital electricity.
Other than the muscle assisting the heart to pump the blood through the vascular system, to keep the tiny capillary blood vessel that has enough distance to cover around earth, free of blood cell stagnating static electricity is a key to inducing smooth blood circulation. And to have the blood cell that are the content of the vessel, full of vital electricity and vibrant is a key to healthy vascular system and body’s total health.
JUGA’s Connection to the Universe
We are also one with the universe. Earth’s own universal gravitation, and gravitation force created together with the revolution and rotation of the earth, and the gravity and light energy from the sun and the moon are all important element to keep our heart pumping. For example, the heart beats on the premise of the breathing. Our 18 breath per minute and the 18 flow of ocean wave per minute simultaneously correlate with each other. Just as there are positive and negative poles in electricity, there exists Yin and Yang energetic poles in the universe, if you add the 18 from Yin and 18 from Yang, it will be 36 which represents our normal body temperature in centigrade. 36 times by 2 of the Yin and Yang represent our heartbeat of 72 beats per minute. 72 is also represent Diastolic blood pressure, time this by 2 to get 144 that is upper limit of systolic blood pressure and these fact are no coincidence.
Our tiny capillary blood vessel consisted of enough length to go around the glove mutually react with the variety of cosmic energy is what aid the heart function. It is because of this energy, causing the contraction and dilation movement of all these micro capillary vessels heart is able to pump the blood through such long distance. The reverse side of this is, because of this ultra fine long vessels the blood is able to flow and keep the heart pumping. By live blood analysis, one can easily observe that each of the red blood cell is constantly pulsating and vibrating because of these energies but these earthly vital electricity and cosmetic energy phenomenon is understand as another source of KI in oriental medicine.
With practice of Juga, it is essential to be conscious and appreciate the fact that, our about blood flow, heart beat and entire life is actually result of earth and cosmetic force.
Consciousness of JUGA and “Inner Universe”
Human consciousness is marvelous. In medicine, the research goes to finding the consciousness in the brain, however, within the brain tissue that is made up of most part water and some proteins, medicine is clueless to finding the fundamental of where the conscious is and what it really is. Although consciousness cannot be defined as material matter, still they are passible. Just like there are mental and emotional up downs, consciousness level fluctuates. While low consciousness brings diseases, high consciousness level can bring good health. one of this reason is, the invisible consciousness is connected to the physical body through the Autonomic system.
The placebo effect which brings healing through positive belief is a work of consciousness. thee Nocebo effect which brings negative health outcome through negative belief is also the work of consciousness. In order to keep the placebo effect that keeps optimal health, one need to maintain the high level of consciousness.
According to the advanced study done by Dr. William Tiller Ph.D. of Stanford, utilizing the Quantum physics, the consciousness fundamentally is at the high dimensional level of physical reality. High dimension lies deep in the elements that make up the every physical material, namely in between quantum spaces of electron and atom, that make up elements at the vacuum spaces. Just like the cosmic expands to macro universe, microcosm expands to micro universe as a source of information wave that makes up this material reality. Just as every material around us hosts micro universe, we also unfold micro universe in every single elements that makes up our body. This is the “Inner Universe”.
Teller model has it that, the high dimension information wave and human consciousness originates from the same high dimensional source, there for, maintaining the high quality conscious is not only essential for your health but for your life, and for the rest of the world.
Starting from the earthly elements that makes up human body, a vital electricity, to the invisible cosmic energy, we are completely dependent on nature and the universe. Rather than understanding human being as individual, we are actually a portion of the nature that is led to exist with earthly elements, vital electricity, and cosmic energy. Juga practice allows you to be conscious about Your breathing, connection to earth(Earthing) and your connection to universe. Through JUGA, humbly understand that our body is “borrowed” from earth, and engage in healthy natural life style. Through breathing, connection to the earth, and being conscious about your oneness to universe will bring you the health and happiness.