ジュジュベ ハワイ クリニック
It is natural to be healthy...Illness is NOT NATURAL !
ジュジュべは 腸内フローラデトックスと

Jujube's job is to help you to eliminate the cause of your ailment
and to assist you in re-claiming your health.
下半身の型系 ローワーボディーフォームシリーズ
KAHANSHIN NOKATA KEI “Lower body form series”
11.ひふみの型 スピリット・ヌモラル・フォーム
HIFUMI NOKATA (Spirit numeral form)
注意点:必ず頭上で手を交差させる。 後ろ足が曲がらないように意識する。体を剃らせたとき目線が力強く上後方にいく。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, fingers, wrists, elbow, collar bone, Neck, cervical vertebrae, throat, shoulder, abdomen, back, legs, knees, thigh, ankles, heel, bottom of feet, Achilles tendon, toes, groin, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian), Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, throat, fingers, wrists, chest, neck, elbows, shoulders, knees, pelvic area, back.
Improves: Eyes, Hiatus hernia, inguinal hernia, tension in diaphragm, kidneys, respiratory system.
In front of the chest, form “Dokko In” hand seal, or “Uttarabodhi” in Mudra, by arranging index fingers on both hands to be raised, touching each other while the remaining fingers are crossed down and folded to unite the hands. With breath in, step forward with the left leg, bending the left knee and stretching the right leg to extend straight, pointing the hand seal straight forward driving your body forward. With inhale, bend the body backwards, and create tight fists with palm side facing forward and pull them back passing the hip, squeezing fists and both shoulder blades to open chest. At the same time warp the upper body back ward and open chest with face looking up, with strength, roll the eyes to gaze upward and over to the back. Shift the weight to front leg to restore the balance and hop the left leg alongside with the right leg, bringing together both hands above the head. Switch the grip of the hand seal, with the exhale, step forward with the right leg and repeat opposite form.
Goal: bend the front knee until the knee hide the toes. Breathing and the body movement should occur simultaneously at the same time together with the HIFUMI NORITO chant (spiritual numeral chant).
Note: Always switch the grip of the hand seal above the head. Take care not to bend the back leg. Make sure to gaze upward and over to the back with strength.
12.水鳥の型 ウォーターバードフォーム
MIZUDORI NOKATA “Water bird form”
主な経絡:手の少陽三焦経(三焦経の経絡)、手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、手の陽明大腸経(大腸経の経絡)、手の太陰肺経(肺経の経絡)、手の少陰心経(心臓経の経絡)、手の厥陰心包経(心包経の経絡)、足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Fingers, wrists, elbow, shoulder, neck, abdomen, chest, ribs, back, legs, knees, thighs, ankles, heel, bottom of feet, Achilles tendon, groin, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Elbow, shoulder, knees, pelvic area, back, chest, throat, neck.
Improves: Cranial alignment, atlas and occiput, sphenoid release, Hiatus hernia, inguinal hernia, tension in diaphragm, spinal and pelvic alignment, kidneys, thyroid gland, respiratory system.
In front of the chest, form “Dokko In ” hand seal, or “Uttarabodhi” in Mudra, by arranging index fingers on both hands to be raised, touching each other while the remaining fingers are crossed down and folded to unite the hands. Move the hand seal toward the back of the head, with the deep inhale, elevate the arms behind the ears so the Dokko In hand seal is situated above the head with elbows straight, points vertically towards the sky, forming the mountain peak resemblance form on your center axis. Both arms are straight and both elbows are flushed to back of ears at this time, keep in conscious that all the pieces of vertebras being pulled upward creating gaps.
Open the legs to parallel stance and position the left foot to be at 45-degrees angle. while exhaling, bend the left knee and bring the forehead down to the left knee while the hand seal is remaining at the pointed form. Straighten the knee while the forehead is still attached and take one breath, inhale and go back in to the first position. Go back to standing with feet parallel to each other, open the right foot to 45 degree and repeat form on the opposite side. After coming back to a center, bring the hand seal back to the chest.
Goal: Flush the forehead to the bent knee.
Note: take care not to bend the elbow, especially when the forehead flushes with the knee.
13.天地の型 ヘブンアースフォーム
TENCHI NO KATA“Heaven earth form”
主な経絡:手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、 足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
効果: 目、首、背中、足、足首、膝、太もも、腰、股関節、腹部、脇腹、胸部、臀部:の痛み。下半身の強化、腸腰筋や腸骨筋等を含む深層筋強化、腰の可動域、生殖器官、呼吸力、目:の改善。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, neck, cervical vertebrae, shoulders, abdomen, ribs, back, thorasic, legs, knees, thighs, ankles, groin, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, neck, back, legs, ankles, knee, thighs, abdomen, ribs, chest, glutes, back, low back.
Improves: Eyes, respiratory function, lower body strength, hip range of motion, reproductive health, psoas and iliacus strength.
Stand widely with the feet position on 45degree angle, raise and open both arms to the side parallel to the ground and lock the elbows. Exhale and bend the left knee bring your body down while maintaining the open arms bring the left arm to the left inner side of ankle (medial malleolus) creating vertical angles to the ground, right hand pointing to sky. Both palms facing forward, eyes gazing through the right hand to the sky. Take one breath, bringing back the upper body to the center axis, open both arms to the side parallel to the ground and lock the elbows. Breathe out and repeat form on opposite side.
Goal: At the pause of the form, arms should be straight and vertical to the ground.
Note: Keep the eyes gazing up, keep from bending the elbow.
14.献身の型 ボディーオファアリングフォーム
KENSHIN NO KATA (Body Offering Form)
主な経絡:手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、足の太陰脾経(脾経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡) :においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
効果: 目、首、肩、背中、足、足首、膝、太もも、腰、股関節、腹部、脇腹、胸部、臀部:の痛み。下半身の強化、前立腺、子宮、卵巣の血流、腸腰筋や腸骨筋等を含む深層筋強化、呼吸力促進、目:の改善。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, neck, back, chest, legs, ankles, knees, thighs, low back, abdomen, groin, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line),Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, neck, back, legs, ankles, knee, thighs, chest, glutes, back, low back.
Improves: Eyes, respiratory function, lower body strength, hip range of motion, prostate, uterus, blood circulation of ovary psoas and iliacus strength.
Stand widely with the feet position on 45degree angle, put both arms by in front of the body parallel to the ground, locking the elbows with palms facing up. While exhaling, bend the knees down and lower the body, keeping the body axis straight and vertical to the ground, at the same time rising both arms to be above the head locking the elbows to keep the arms straight. Squatting deeply with the feet wide apart, stay pause maintaining the position with eyes gazing above. While exhaling, elevate the body back to standing position, keeping both arms straight forward with hands above the head. With the inhale, bend the body back ward until the palm faces toward the back, keeping the eyes to gaze upward and over so back ground can be visible. From the full bend position bring the body back to the center axis while letting the arms pass by the side to bring them back to hips.
Goal: Simultaneously with the breath, work the form to keeping the arms straight and higher while directing the lower half of the body to go lower
Note: Take care so the knees do not bend inward, and always lock the elbows to keep the arms straight. Keep the gaze strong.
15.沈み込み拝み手の型 シンキングプレヤーフォーム
主な経絡:手の少陽三焦経(三焦経の経絡) 、足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、足の太陰脾経(脾経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、 帯脈(腰回りの経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
効果: 手首、足、足首、膝、太もも、腰、股関節、腹部、臀部:の痛み。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Wrists, legs, ankles, knees, thighs, back, glutes, low back, groin, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Wrists, legs, ankles, knees, thighs, low back, glutes, low back, abdomen, groin.
Improves: lower body strength, groin range of motion, psoas and iliacus strength, digestive function, constipation, menstrual disorder, endometriosis, urination and prostate conditions, impotent, infertility.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Putting hands together to form prayer form by the chest, while exhaling, squat down with the back straight and vertical to the ground, open both elbows and place them in between the knees. With each breath, push and apply pressure to one of the knee, putting weight and leaning toward the respective side. Repeat same movement on the opposite side.
Goal: Keep body’s center axis straight and keep the chin tucked.
Note: Take care not to raise the heel. Keep the back straight.